Source code for

Module for processing aspect data
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

from sys import stdout
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
import warnings
import inspect

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from skimage.feature import match_template, peak_local_max
from skimage.transform import warp
from import fits

from ..util.time import oeb2utc
from ..util.fitting import parapeak

__all__ = ['PYFrame', 'PYSequence', 'RFrame', 'RSequence']

NUM_ROWS = 960
NUM_COLS = 1280

def _kernel(radius):
    """The empirically chosen kernel to represent both the Sun and the fiducials."""
    axis = np.arange(-(radius * 2), radius * 2 + 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(axis, axis)
    template = 1 - np.cosh(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) * 5. / radius) / 200.
    template[template < 0] = 0
    return template

template_sun = _kernel(50)
template_fiducial = 1 - _kernel(4)

class Frame(object):
    """Base class for a camera frame

    filename : str
        The name of the FITS file of the camera frame
    uid : int
        The UID of the camera to check for consistency with the camera frame.
        The default of None means that consistency is not checked.
    decimation_range : tuple of int
        The allowable range of decimation levels.
    def __init__(self, filename, uid=None, decimation_range=(2, 10)):
        with as f:
            if uid != None and f[0].header['CAMERA'] != uid:
                raise RuntimeError
            self.filename = filename
            self.header = f[0].header
   = f[1].data.astype(np.uint8)
            self.trigger_time = f[0].header['GT_TRIG']
        self.decimation = self._detect_decimation(decimation_range)

    def _detect_decimation(self, decimation_range):
        """Detects the decimation level of the camera frame.

        decimation_range : tuple of int
            The inclusive range of decimation levels to check against the camera frame

        decimation_level : int
            For a decimation_level of N, N-1 rows out of every N rows is empty
        decimation_index : int
            The index of the non-empty row for every decimation block
            (i.e. strictly less than decimation_level)
        dead1 = ( == 0).sum(1) == NUM_COLS
        for step in range(decimation_range[0], decimation_range[1] + 1):
            sub_rows = NUM_ROWS // step
            dead2 = dead1[:sub_rows * step].reshape(sub_rows, step).max(0)
            idx = np.flatnonzero(~dead2)
            if len(idx) == 1:
                return (step, idx[0])
        return (1, 0)

    def plot_image(self, **imshow_kwargs):
        """Plots the camera frame, defaulting to no interpolation."""
        args = {'cmap'   : 'gray',
                'extent' : [-0.5, NUM_COLS - 0.5, NUM_ROWS - 0.5, -0.5],
                'interpolation' : 'nearest'}
        return plt.imshow(self.image, **args)

    def image(self):
        if self.decimation == (1, 0):
            transformation = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0],
                                        [0, 1. / self.decimation[0], -self.decimation[1] / self.decimation[0]],
                                        [0, 0, 1]])
            return warp([self.decimation[1]::self.decimation[0], :], transformation,
                        output_shape=(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS), mode='edge', preserve_range=True)

[docs]class PYFrame(Frame): """Class for a pitch-yaw image Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the FITS file of the camera frame uid : int Defaults to the UID of the pitch-yaw camera, but can be set to a different camera's UID or to None """ def __init__(self, filename, uid=158434): try: Frame.__init__(self, filename, uid=uid) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("This file does not appear to be a valid frame from the pitch-yaw camera") self.peaks, self.fiducials = self._process() def _process(self): """Finds the Suns and the fiducials.""" # Perform a coarse search for Suns coarse_image = self.image[::10, ::10] coarse_match = match_template(coarse_image, template_sun[::10, ::10], pad_input=True) coarse_peaks = peak_local_max(coarse_match, threshold_abs=0.9, num_peaks=3) fine_peaks = [] strength = [] fiducials = [] for coarse_peak in coarse_peaks: # For each coarse detection, do a detection at the full resolution if coarse_peak[0] < 11 or coarse_peak[0] > 84 or coarse_peak[1] < 11 or coarse_peak[1] > 116: break sub_image = self.image[coarse_peak[0] * 10 - 110:coarse_peak[0] * 10 + 111, coarse_peak[1] * 10 - 110:coarse_peak[1] * 10 + 111] match = match_template(sub_image, template_sun, pad_input=True) peak = peak_local_max(match, threshold_abs=0.9, num_peaks=1) if len(peak) > 0: peak = peak[0] peak_r, peak_c = parapeak(match[peak[0] - 1:peak[0] + 2, peak[1] - 1:peak[1] + 2]) peak += coarse_peak * 10 - 110 fine_peaks.append((peak[0] + peak_r, peak[1] + peak_c)) #FIXME: need a more robust estimate of the strength of each peak strength.append(self.image[peak[0], peak[1]]) # Find fiducials near the center of the Sun match = match_template(self.image[peak[0]-60:peak[0]+61, peak[1]-60:peak[1]+61], template_fiducial, pad_input=True) fids = peak_local_max(match, threshold_abs=0.8) for fid in fids: fid_r, fid_c = parapeak(match[fid[0] - 1:fid[0] + 2, fid[1] - 1:fid[1] + 2]) fid += peak - 60 fiducials.append((fid[0] + fid_r, fid[1] + fid_c)) # Sort the peaks in order of decreasing strength fine_peaks = [peak for (strength, peak) in sorted(zip(strength, fine_peaks), reverse=True)] return fine_peaks, fiducials
[docs] def plot_image(self, **imshow_kwargs): """Plots the pitch-yaw image, including Sun/fiducial detections.""" if self.peaks: # Draw an X at the center of each Sun arr_peaks = np.array(self.peaks) plt.plot(arr_peaks[:, 1], arr_peaks[:, 0], 'rx') # Draw circles around each Sun radius = 60 angle = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, 101, 0.01) for peak in self.peaks: plt.plot(peak[1] + radius * np.cos(angle), peak[0] + radius * np.sin(angle), 'r') if self.fiducials: # Draw a cross at each fiducial arr_fiducials = np.array(self.fiducials) plt.plot(arr_fiducials[:, 1], arr_fiducials[:, 0], 'b+') return Frame.plot_image(self, **imshow_kwargs)
[docs]class RFrame(Frame): """Class for a roll image Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the FITS file of roll image uid : int Defaults to the UID of the roll camera, but can be set to a different camera's UID or to None """ def __init__(self, filename, uid=142974): try: Frame.__init__(self, filename, uid=uid, decimation_range=(10, 10)) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("This file does not appear to be a valid frame from the roll camera") self.midpoint = self._process() def _process(self, plot=False): """Fit the horizons""" # For now, fit the whole thing data = np.mean([self.decimation[1]::self.decimation[0], :], 0) left = np.min(np.flatnonzero(data[0:640] < np.mean(data[0:640]))) right = np.max(np.flatnonzero(data[640:] < np.mean(data[640:]))) + 640 subx = np.arange(left, right + 1) guess = (639.5, 0.02, 0.04, 10) try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(RFrame.atmosphere_sym, subx, data[left:right+1], guess) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn_explicit("Could not automatically fit the horizon", RuntimeWarning, __file__, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) return None if plot: print(popt) plt.plot(data) plt.plot(subx, RFrame.atmosphere_sym(subx, *popt)) return popt[0]
[docs] def plot_image(self, **imshow_kwargs): """Plots the roll image, including annotations.""" return Frame.plot_image(self, **imshow_kwargs)
[docs] def atmosphere_sym(x, midpoint, scale, amp, dc): """Exponential atmospheric model with symmetry (i.e., hyperbolic cosine)""" return amp * np.cosh(scale * (x - midpoint)) + dc
[docs] def atmosphere_asym(x, midpoint, scale, amp1, amp2, dc): """Exponential atmospheric model with asymmetry in normalization""" return amp1 * np.exp(-scale * (x - midpoint)) + amp2 * np.exp(scale * (x - midpoint)) + dc
class FrameSequence(list): """Base class for a sequence of camera frames""" def __init__(self, list_of_files, frame_class=Frame): for entry in list_of_files: self.append(frame_class(entry)) stdout.write(".") stdout.write("\n") def animate(self, fps=4, fig=None, **imshow_kwargs): """Return a matplotlib animation of the frame sequence. Extra keyword arguments are passed on to `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Parameters ---------- fps : int Number of frames per second for interactive display fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` If None, the current figure is used Returns ------- `matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` Examples -------- To save a matplotlib animation as an animated GIF: >>> anim = framesequence.animate() >>>'animation.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=4) On Windows, you may need to configure matplotlib to find `convert.exe`, e.g.: >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> mpl.rcParams['animation.convert_path'] = 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q16\\convert.exe' """ if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() args = {'cmap' : 'gray', 'extent' : [-0.5, NUM_COLS - 0.5, NUM_ROWS - 0.5, -0.5], 'clim' : (0, 256), 'interpolation' : 'nearest'} args.update(imshow_kwargs) im = plt.imshow(np.zeros_like(self[0].image), **args) iterator = self.__iter__() # Although this function does nothing, otherwise matplotlib "burns" the first frame for initialization def init(): pass # Update with the next frame's data def update_im(frame, im): im.set_data(frame.image) plt.gca().set_title(frame.filename) return im, ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_im, iterator, fargs=(im,), init_func=init, repeat=False, interval=1000 / fps) return ani def compact(self): """Crude compaction of a decimated sequence""" for i in range(len(self) - 1, 0, -1): if (self[i].decimation[0] == self[i-1].decimation[0]) and\ (self[i].decimation[1] > self[i-1].decimation[1]): self[i-1].data += self[i].data self.pop(i) else: self[i].decimation = (1, 0) self[0].decimation = (1, 0)
[docs]class PYSequence(FrameSequence): """Class for a sequence of pitch-yaw images Parameters ---------- list_of_files : list of str List of FITS files with pitch-yaw images """ def __init__(self, list_of_files): FrameSequence.__init__(self, list_of_files, frame_class=PYFrame) @property def dataframe(self): """Obtain a pandas DataFrame""" center = [x.peaks[0] for x in self] return pd.DataFrame({'center_x' : [z[1] for z in center], 'center_y' : [z[0] for z in center]}, index=oeb2utc([x.trigger_time for x in self]))
[docs] def plot_centers(self, **dataframe_plot_kwargs): """Plot the center of the brightest Sun across the entire image sequence""" return self.dataframe.plot(**dataframe_plot_kwargs)
[docs]class RSequence(FrameSequence): """Class for a sequence of roll images Parameters ---------- list_of_files : list of str List of FITS files with roll images """ def __init__(self, list_of_files): FrameSequence.__init__(self, list_of_files, frame_class=RFrame) @property def dataframe(self): """Obtain a pandas DataFrame""" return pd.DataFrame({'midpoint' : [x.midpoint for x in self]}, index=oeb2utc([x.trigger_time for x in self]))
[docs] def plot_midpoint(self, **dataframe_plot_kwargs): """Plot the midpoints""" return self.dataframe.plot(**dataframe_plot_kwargs)